Earrings $8,500, jacket $116,000 & shorts $13,500 all by Giorgio Armani

Earrings $8,500, pullover $23,500, shorts $13,500 & boots $22,500 all by Giorgio Armani

Earrings $8,500, pullover $23,500, shorts $13,500 & boots $22,500 all by Giorgio Armani

Coat $35,500 by Giorgio Armani

Top $18,500 by Giorgio Armani

Top $18,500 by Giorgio Armani

Earrings $2,400, coat & pants both $TBC all by Giorgio Armani
You have to think of the future. If not, we would close down!

Cape $153,000 by Giorgio Armani

Beret $10,500, earrings $8,500, top $TBC, skirt $13,500, muffs $6,000 & handbag $25,500 all by Giorgio Armani

Beret $10,500, coat $35,500, top $18,500, gloves $4,800 & bangle $5,500 all by Giorgio Armani

80年代紙醉金迷,女性意識抬頭,當年的性別平權 就是以為要跟男人平起平坐,首先就要像個男人,於是闊膊大領西裝 pantsuit 權力衣著乘勢而起,女性陰柔特質遭到抑壓。今日重新演繹當年 powerdressing,著重剛柔並重,不再性別標籤,男性女性同時兼備陽剛陰柔N種性格特質。