Sweater $15,800, pants $11,900 & belt $5,250 all by Louis Vuitton
若然回顧過去能賦予人生意義,瞻望未來又是否水中捕月? 每個年代的時裝設計,都反映出當時人們對未來的想像及期盼, 60s 是太空漫遊、登月先鋒;70‘s 世界大同、愛與和平;80 ‘s 權力扮裝、平起平坐;90 ‘s ⋯ 以此時此刻衣飾,代入當代時代精神,重新併發混和演繹今昔對未來的想像。

Dress $7,900 & jacket $55,950 both by Prada. Gloves $6,700 by Chanel

Sun visor $3,000 & jacket $27,000 both by Dior. Glasses $5,720 by Maison Margiela
34 Top $3,680 by Sportmax. Handbag $3,899 by Maison Mihara Yasuhiro from I.T

Dress $9,700 by Ports1961. Gloves $6,700 by Chanel

On left / Sunglasses $5,750 by Maison Margiela. Coat $20,500 by Moschino
36 On right / Sunglasses $5,750 by Maison Margiela. Dress $9,700, top $17,700 & skirt $14,850 all by Prada. Gloves $10,400 by Chanel
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
Space Oddity

Dress $155,900 by Givenchy. Gloves $6,700 by Chanel
Boots $9,800 by Christian Louboutin

Dress $TBC & jacket $41,100 both by Chanel
40 Skirt $3,999 by anouki from I.T. Boots $8,345 by Maison Margiela
Unlike the animals, who knew only the present,
Man had acquired a past; and he was beginning
to grope toward a future.
2001: A Space Odyssey

Knitwear $TBC & dress $159,900 both by Prada

Dress $13,680 by Sportmax