Coat $44,500, vest with hood $18,000, top $11,800 all by Valentino

Coat $44,500, vest with hood $18,000, top $11,800 all by Valentino

Coat $44,500, vest with hood $18,000, top $11,800 all by Valentino

Jacket $61,700 by Alexander McQueen
Earrings $7,250 by Louis Vuitton

Hat $4,490, coat $7,790, top $6,390 & gloves $TBC
all by Marc Jacobs. Sunglasses $3,580 by CALVIN KLEIN 205W39NYC

Jacket $TBC, pullover $4,080 & pants $4,080 all by Max Mara
Belt $3,490 & handbag $8,990
(worn as waistbag) both by Givenchy

Left: Jumpsuit $26,300 by Tom Ford Chocker $10,900 & bangle $14,200 both by Givenchy Heels $4,480 by Max Mara
Right: Coat $102,800 by Givenchy
Earrings $12,900 by Tom Ford

Left: Jacket $23,300, top $8,500, harness $10,800 & pants $10,800 all by Versace Middle: Dress $21,000 by Balenciaga Right: Hat $TBC & jacket $TBC both by Saint Laurent

Vest $2,280, sweater $6,780, pants $4,080 & heels $4,480 all by Max Mara Necklace $4,850 by Louis Vuitton

Vest $2,280, sweater $6,780, pants $4,080 & heels $4,480 all by Max Mara Necklace $4,850 by Louis Vuitton

Vest $2,280, sweater $6,780, pants $4,080 & heels $4,480 all by Max Mara Necklace $4,850 by Louis Vuitton

Vest $2,280, sweater $6,780, pants $4,080 & heels $4,480 all by Max Mara Necklace $4,850 by Louis Vuitton

Coat $42,600 & hoodie $10,800 both by Balenciaga
Right: Coat $42,000 by Valentino
Earrings $4,600 by Louis Vuitton

Coat $42,600 & hoodie $10,800 both by Balenciaga
Right: Coat $42,000 by Valentino
Earrings $4,600 by Louis Vuitton

Hat $TBC by Saint Laurent Jacket $31,500 & top $15,800
both by Louis Vuitton
Earrings $2,700 by Valentino

Jacket $87,550 & heels $19,100 both by Tom Ford
Pants $10,800 by Versace Earrings $TBC by Saint Laurent
人總是念舊,總是幻想不曾體驗過的東西,八十年代的Studio 54會是怎樣的光景?我在酒店這樣想着,想著想着就睡着了。走廊當 騷 場 的Grace Jones好 像 在 尋 找 着 什 麽;Debbie Harr y依然留戀舞台,放肆地唱着;在化妝室 的Bianca Jagger為 她即將驚艷全場的派對造型打扮着……她們又聚集在了這裏。那些影像訴說着一種不需要翻譯的語言,它凍結了時間,無法磨滅。下一個轉角你會遇見誰,遇見什麽靈感,這一定是一個夢。